thanos dimadis

Lally Weymouth: 'Thanos Dimadis sets up a great example to all who want to become journalists'

Θάνος Δημάδης: Η τραγωδία στα Τέμπη δεν είναι η πρώτη, ούτε θα είναι η τελευταία

Thanos Dimadis speaks at the World Trade Center

Thanos Dimadis introduces US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield

Thanos Dimadis in a conversation with Unesco's Tawfik Jelassi and Washington Post's Lally Weymouth

Thanos Dimadis: discussion with Harvard Prof.Tribe & former Overseas Press Club President Dodd Frank

Thanos Dimadis discusses with the UN General Assembly President, M.Espinoza (Θάνος Δημάδης)

Thanos Dimadis hosts discussion with Jim Acosta: how to build success in journalism

Dr. Jha, Director Harvard Global Health Institute speaks to Thanos Dimadis on COVID19

Thanos Dimadis, FPA Executive Director addresses the FPA Centennial Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony

Fareed Zakaria in Conversation with Thanos Dimadis

Thanos Dimadis- ALPHA TV on United Nations report

Thanos Dimadis questions Atlantic Council panel on multi-speed Europe

Thanos Dimadis talks with Press Freedom Expert, Carlos Lauria

J. Sachs speaks to Thanos Dimadis (NY)

Thanos Dimadis in a discussion with the former UN Ambassador, Amanda Ellis

Thanos Dimadis asking the IMF's spokesperson about the Greek government rhetoric against the Fund

Thanos Dimadis addresses Press Freedom Forum in New York

Thanos Dimadis: guest at E. Menegaki's talk show- ALPHA_TV

Thanos Dimadis ALPHA TV reporting on the United Nations report

Thanos Dimadis reporting at Skai TV news about Papandreou's referendum initiative (2011)

NHSA Convention, Fall 2011, Boston, MA- Greece Dialogues: Thanos Dimadis HQ

Thanos Dimadis live @ ALPHA TV about IMF and Greek crisis

Dr. Jha, Director Harvard Global Health Institute speaks to the AFC and Thanos Dimadis on COVID19